Sunday, January 3, 2016

Black And Purples, Fish With Signs, New Plans

Happy New Year 2016, Thanks For More Times, Joys And Pains, songs to   sing. Purple and blue colors, missions of Peter Pan, knights on quests. Fairy tales, stories from the bible, Mother Goose  books. Mother Teresa, mother marys, merry and happy, goodness and mercy, fights for fame.

September 4, 2013: Birthday notes, not to forget, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, hideing out from secert lovers, Lissa Disilva that year. Rach Jay, legal then, butch or dyke still in cliset, right?Angels To Birds, Drazons To Turkeys To Freaks, Sing Sings, happy feet, nice to know. Funny tips of snake dens, fags, hags, Rach Jay.

Rochel Jarrot, Rachel Jay, frogs to die. Donkeys in next life, good tijes. Changes are in place, and the delight and the joy of acceptance has been recorded, the trip out of La Quinta, is Colorado, far away from the grass that had been available for the duration of the 18 years with the hairdresser. The cords are about to be cut. The hairdresser stop paying for the house, because the way is clear, to go fishing, just need to change the bait, the story or the cycles go around and around again. 

The cut from the sire of the senior ready to fly away from the hairdresser and her brand of crazy, the Jewish way, from the example left by Mommy who expired Christmas Day 2012. The joy of the season was not the bearer of good tides. Death is always the end of one form of life, and the joy and peace is delivered at that point, and it is a wonderful thing to start over.

Nice, trip to stars, shinning  high insky, stars bright tonight, dreams and prayers, up in the air, angels out to guide the way, good times. Many plans, goals, hopes, prayers in motion daily, adventures to share with a giant, green, white or blue giants. Jacks or Jill to go up the hills together, watch out for the rocks under the grass, to fall and get back up. Friends, fairies, families, and foes at the crossroads, chances and choosing the paths to take.

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